Are you interested in having a sneak peak of Peter Gray's first publishable work? A free preview of Cursed is now available for you to read. Happy reading everyone!
You can now pre-order "The Tragic Tale of Teddy Woven" with just one click. Book launch officially starts September 4, 2020.
Since "The Tragic Tale of Teddy Woven" is coming out next month. I thought it would be nice to share a bit more information about the two main characters. Theodore "Teddy" Woven and Sela are complete opposites, but somehow they compliment each other's personalities very well. I think this is the real beauty of this love story, and it is wonderful to see the sparks fly between Teddy and his gardener, Sela, as the story progresses. I hope to provide you with more information about this suspenseful short story in the coming days. - Peter Sela Character Profile: Sela Sela is a kind, warm-hearted person. She looks at the world through rose-coloured glasses, and her optimistic outlook on life allows her to see the best in everyone. As a full-time gardener she has a love for being immersed in nature and the great outdoors. Her sweet disposition captures the heart of Theodore "Teddy" Woven from the very start, but the mystery lurking around his household and himself forces her to put up a guard. Character Profile: Theodore "Teddy" Woven
A man out of his time period, Theodore Woven is by all accounts a peculiar person. He is a renaissance man that has a natural love for art, the beauties of nature and classical music. Theodore is also a man that is greatly haunted by his past. There is a reason he goes by the nickname, Teddy, and the truth is much darker than Sela could have ever imagined. Displacement of the Mind is now available as a free short story. Click on the link below to access this short read. A friendly reminder that there are more free short stories available on my blog. I hope to publish a free e-book in the coming months as well, so make sure to follow me on social media for more updates.
March 2024